Monday, June 3, 2013

still on the topic of eyes....... spoons?

 Hi all, I spent a nice visit with my parents last week and its always good to take something along to keep my creative Dad busy.... so I packed in a pack of plastic spoons and some 21mm safety eyes and we got creative!. Ive seen this done on the internet and a few different sites so its not a new idea or my idea but I thought I would show you what we did with them.

I found that the type of spoon was important. Some disposable spoons are very brittle and crack or break easily the more thick/flexible type works fine most of the time.... you still get the odd one that wont cut right or may crack but I can work with that ;) Cut the handle off first then trim each edge and finish it off with a light sand around the cut edges..... I use the rough side of a disposable nail file, they are a handy size to keep in my stash of supplies. Mark the eye placement and drill a hole in the spoon the same size as your safety eye back. At this point you can choose to add some glue to hold your safety eye in place. To attached them into your puppet use the same method as you would a normal safety eye and backing. I showed this in my last video tutorial called safety eyes and eye lashes. So once they were all done we had to try them on for size and I had three lucky volunteers :) ......... my Mum and Dad had some fun with them!

I love how they turned out.... now i can dig out all my eyes that I though were too small and create a good size fun looking set of eyes! thanks Dad :)

I hope you've enjoyed this and give them a try yourself you'll love how they turn out! happy puppeting!
and a last thought
God's eyes are on the ways of men;
He sees their every step.
Job 34:21

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